If you are switching to Phoneware from a different VoIP service and you already use MaX UC Desktop for Windows or Mac, it will be necessary to select a different service provider in the MaX UC app.

Here are the instructions:

MaX UC Desktop 3.0 and later

  1. Click your avatar at the top left corner of the MaX UC app window.
  2. Choose LOG OUT, and confirm by clicking the LOG OUT button when prompted.
  3. When presented with the login screen, click CANCEL. This will close the MaX UC app.
  4. Now, launch the MaX UC app again. This time, you should be presented with a welcome message, and you should be prompted with two options: “I have a login link” and “Log in manually”. Choose the option “Log in manually”.
  5. Next, you will be asked to select your service provider. Scroll down through the choices and select “Phoneware” and click OK.
  6. You will now be presented with the MaX UC login window. Enter your telephone number and password and then click Log In.
  7. Once logged in, you will now be connected to MaX UC on the Phoneware network

MaX UC Desktop 2.3 and earlier

  1. Click File / Log out.
  2. When presented with the login screen, click CANCEL. This will close the MaX UC app.
  3. Now, launch the MaX UC app again. This time, you should be presented with a welcome message, and you should be prompted with two options: “I have a login link” and “Log in manually”. Choose the option “Log in manually”.
  4. Next, you will be asked to select your service provider. Scroll down through the choices and select “Phoneware” and click OK.
  5. You will now be presented with the MaX UC login window. Enter your telephone number and password and then click Log In.
  6. Once logged in, you will now be connected to MaX UC on the Phoneware network.